BSCI主要审核内容,什么企业可以申请 BSCI 验厂
BSCI 认证可以在全世界任何生产工厂进行。物品类型也广泛地覆盖,如:纺织品、服装、鞋类、电器、玩具、陶瓷、箱包出口型企业等。
主要为 13 绩效区域:
1.供应链管理及级联效应 Supply Chain Management and Cascade Effect
2.工人参与和保护 Workers Involvement and Protection
3.结社自由与集体谈判权 The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
4.不歧视 No Discrimination
5.公平报酬 Fair Remuneration
6.体面劳动时间 Decent Working Hours
7.职业健康与安全 Occupational Health and Safety
8.不雇用童工 No Child Labour
9.保护青年工人 Special Protection for Young Workers
10.无缺乏保障就业 No Precarious Employment
11.无强迫劳动 No Bonded Labour
12.保护环境 Protection of the Environment
13.道德的商业行为 Ethical Business Behaviour